Cyber Security Certification Training
Training TypeLive Training
CategoryCyber Security
Duration24 Hours

Cyber Security Training Course Introduction
About Cyber Security Training Course
Learn Cybersecurity concepts from scratch with Simpliv’s Cybersecurity training. Throughout the training, you will learn important concepts such as ethical hacking, cryptography, computer networks & security, application security, idAM (identity & access management), vulnerability analysis, malware threats, sniffing, SQL injection, DoS, session hijacking, and various security practices for businesses along with hands-on demonstrations. Join this Cybersecurity Certification course and get certified as Cybersecurity Expert.
Cyber Security Training Course Objective
This Cyber security training focuses mainly on the concepts of Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking In this cyber security training program we are going to deal with cybersecurity, ethical hacking, cryptography, computer networks & security, application security, dAM (identity & access management), vulnerability analysis, malware threats, sniffing, SQL injection, DoS, session hijacking and arious security practices for businesses .
Who is the Cyber Security Training Course Target Audience?
Anyone interested in Cybersecurity job roles like Network Administrator, System Administrator, Security Analyst, Security Engineer, Ethical Hacker, Pen Tester, and more
What Basic Knowledge Required to Learn Cyber Security Training?
No basic knowledge required.
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Need of Cybersecurity
CIA Triad
Security Architecture
Security Governance
Security Auditing
Regulations & Frameworks
Ethical Hacking
Types of Hackers
Phases of Ethical Hacking
Penetration Testing
Types of Penetration Testing
Objectives of Footprinting
Types of Footprinting
Types of cryptography
Symmetric cryptography
Asymmetric cryptography
Hash functions
Digital signatures
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Attacks on cryptosystems
Introduction to Computer Network
Computer Networks - Architecture
Layered architecture
Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) Model
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Network Scanning
Common Network Threats/Attacks
Web server architecture
Web server attacks
Countermeasures and patch management
Web application architecture
Web application attacks
Authentication and authorization
Authentication and authorization principles
Regulation of access
Access administration
Password protection
Identity theft
Vulnerability Analysis
Types of Vulnerability Analysis
Vulnerability Assessment Lifecycle
Vulnerability Assessment Tools
Vulnerability Scoring Systems
Vulnerability Assessments Report
System Hacking
Password Cracking
Privilege escalation
Executing Applications
Hiding Files
Clearing Logs
Malware and its propagation ways
Malware components
Types of malware
Concept of sniffing
Types of sniffing
Types of sniffing attacks
SQL injection
Types of SQL injection
SQL injection Methodologies
DoS attack
DDoS attack
Common symptoms of DoS/DDoS attack
Categories of DoS/DDoS Attack Vectors
DoS/DDoS detection techniques
Session hijacking
Application level session hijacking
Network level session hijacking
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Types of Intrusion Detection Systems
Introduction to Firewalls
Types of Firewalls
Introduction to Honeypots
Evading IDS